Time to Review the Journey

Section Seven:

Time to Review

the Journey

Sacred Angel:

Let’s review those who are blind because of hard hearts. Red Sun, in this system it takes the best of the best thinkers and warriors to handle this, because of the multitudes of streaming requirements and challenges. The area of extreme circumstance; each one forces us to deal with emergencies to save lives, help awaken lessons, prevent total destruction, and/or send support teams. The current sections we’re in keeps track of all forms of cruelty, violence, community, tribal and gang warfare, crimes of war and wars against humanity. Crimes against humanity includes crimes against children of all ages, nationalities, cultures, Earth Mother and her sacred children, however, many of these crimes do weigh heavier in the eyes of our Sacred Father than others. The biggest crimes judged in the hearts of the Sacred Council, are harm and crimes against children.

All things are recorded, too. Believe it or not there is also a section that is attuned to those who are in need of an infusion of spiritual love, inspiration, direction, guidance and inner-peace, from which incentives are provided by a select group of Angels and guardians.


Red Sun, now what do you see and think from your heart center to mine, when you hear the words and concept Christmas Angel. Now, since you have travelled with us, is it not easier to digest, once you are more aware?

Red Sun:

The Star of Light sent by He who is the Light. Yes, now I understand what a wonderful record of time and events I was just able to review, about the birth of the messenger and teacher. Even so, the Christmas Angel is in truth the Archangel of Eternal Light, Enlightenment and Wisdom. The bearer of sacred knowledge and spiritual enlightenment; which if I am not mistaken you are
the one described as a Star who traveled with a band of a thousand angels.

You are the Sacred Star of Light who watched over the birth of the one called Jesus the Christ, but was he not the Sacred Son of Sacred Light, Life and Enlightenment Eternal. The sacred messenger of light . . . . In fact SunHawk, the combined heart to heart touches, awakens this eternal spirit of energy light to universal knowledge: Archangel of Light, Enlightenment, Intelligence, Sacred Wisdom and Eternal Truths.

Okay that opened a floodgate to a few questions of events and reasons you received the request to teach and inspire Red Sun to see, recall and awaken knowledge. Now let us back up here for a couple of minutes: Each time the Sacred Ones summonsed me across, the first thing I noticed, no sun, yet a
sacred universal beautiful bright light that enlightens all and cast no shadows
in this sacred universe. Recognize the Sacred Ones are Light of Life Eternal.
The eternal light of enlightenments sacred knowledge, regarding the sacred
spiritual universe, here is a place where there are no shadows, the lights,
colors, sounds, harmonics and eternal energies are sacred and eternal. Here I
have witnessed no decay or death.

Time to help awaken others to the Sacredness of the Universe; provide knowledge of Sacred Realms; which means in time I will begin teachings spiritual truths, and sacred knowingness about the Sacred Ones of Light and Life Eternal. Next there are the Sacred One of Light Eternal who are the bearers of Eternal Enlightenment and Wisdom, similarly.

Sacred Truth: each time the Highest of the Highest Sacred Ones summoned Red Sun for ceremonies and/or gatherings, I always stand beside the Highest of the Most High Sacred Father and Mother of Eternal Light of Life for they are Enlightenment, too, and the sacred power of the eternal enlightens everything and there are no areas of shadows or dark, only very brilliant and vibrant sounds, lights, colors, and energies.


Now you understand the sacred messenger is an Archangel of Sacred Eternal Light the one who is the giver/bringer of Eternal Truths, and Sacred Spiritual Enlightenment/Spiritual Knowledge. Highest of the Highest are the Sacred Father and Holy Mother of Eternal Light/Life, Sacred Honor, Wisdom and Truths. The most Sacred Ones are Alpha and Omega; they are the Light of
Enlightenment Eternal.

Woman . . . Remember, not many remember this experience nor will many accept or understand, these words. Truth, we have witness, most refuse to accept the truth of environment and reality. One area they refuse to accept, is the reason for certain sections and levels within radar awareness/alert systems, are not only connected with humanity, but all of Sacred Mother Earth’s life from the deepest life form in the waters, to the air all breath, the microbes, into the universe, and more.

Red Sun:

Beautiful! Our Sacred Heavenly Father/ Holy Mother and Sacred Ones, Thank you all for approval of this wonderful experience, it has been a great teacher filled with great wisdom. I am humbled you approved the invitation and received this humble child of humanity here to visit and experience, conditions here before being assigned here, if that be the case. No fundamental knowingness or language concept can do justices, to these wonders of
universal knowingness and adventures, within these numerous radar system and many levels and sublevels of system categories.


Hear this woman: novices can easily succumb to euphoria and lose track of reason and purpose here. Know this sacred truth, in many cases it is the animals and/or other life forms that alert us, to conditions faster than personages. Especially, in cases, where people equate survival with killing
in the defense of others, they either go void of emotions or silent in spirit.

Animals are capable of reading energies, environments, and people; this then empowers them to alert us. In most cases their psychic communications alert us when someone enters a person’s home or their people’s life with ill intent or a dark spirit. Animals are very important here, well-loved, and watched after, how people treat them can make a difference in prayers being answered during critical times, but if they harm animals we will not answer their prayers.

I never knew what you saw in the animals you saved and rescued, although I did understand the power and wisdom of the wolves, since we had many good conversations, I never told you about, but they did love and respected you. Some of the wolves, along with Buck and Nikkei, with us in the mountains are here with me, and when necessary, even now, we all work together.

Red Sun:

What I discovered when the two of us joined with Archangel of Light, it was easy to experience all-inclusive prayers while experiencing the Sacred Father’s universe among all walks of life, nationalities, cultural backgrounds, including animals of (land, sea and air) and the sacred newborn infants. Forgive this Red Sun, from where I walk, its known certain people and animals can and do talk to each other, true, but here . . . However, until now, it was hard to comprehend the sacred truth about Earth Mother’s Children considered so sacred, important and loved, and the sacred reality of how strong said spirits are received here.

Sacred Angel:

Red Sun, listen and know well, we sense and experience it all, its not euphoria we are directed to do what we can to keep this universe in balance. We can’t save them all and we can’t always keep perfect harmony and balance, either. Some of these prayers go up for review to determine, what needs to be done and many times it becomes the animals, who tilt the balance in favor of or against a person.

Red Sun:

Before we leave I have a few more questions . . . . What about the major pockets?

Sacred Angel:

Red Sun, the major pockets within the system, can mean several things, from a group of people starving, to areas where events are on collision courses. An area where we can expect massive death and destruction of humanity, property, land and life forms will in some way be destroyed. Then there is the style of turbulences which addresses land eruptions, volcano, fires, earthquake or impending hostilities. Major pockets can also suggest crisis/events with environmental battles between Nature, Earth Mother and humanity; these are areas where we are needed.

Advanced warnings system can alert us beforehand what’s in motion, by the movement within various energy jet streams, and different types of fluctuations inform observers, how many Angels and guardians are required and how many people will we get to listen for their protection or who will need our personal protections. Then there are those that are meant to cross during
certain environmental conditions.

Consider most conditions require intervention specialist from different levels and layers on numerous occasions: Reflect on how all things are interconnected in scores of ways, a portion of universal life forms have not yet come to recognize, the importance of spiritual balance.

Remember, observers are the ones who rush in, to prevent deadly conditions or help those in need, which affects all ages and life forms. We are not in any position to judge the personalities of any personages endanger. Ours is not the place to take sides or refuse to help any personage because . . . since we don’t have cultures or race classifications. Ours is to deal with the protection of the universe, the Sacred Father and work to develop harmony and peace. Taking sides is a manmade concept, which has created all the problems over the centuries. Not to say we are not at war with Satan and his demonic disciples, but that too came from some of the demonic influences, of the ones who are out to destroy the universe and convert all elements of the universe to black, charred waste lands and mindless servants.

Maybe it is time to explain a few more details you. Those who have journeyed across to your side and return have walked in many moccasins and sandals, we have worn many faces and been known by many names, but our true
spirit has always remained the same. Ponder that for a time. Also what seems as hours or minutes, can all happen within only a few seconds of how time is
calculated but say folding time is easy and necessary to accomplish and protect.

Let’s tour for a little while longer, in a more relaxed manner. Pay close attention and observe the rapid fluctuations and colorations. This area of the system is the where SunHawk works: See how dark things are around here? Command/central observations center in the heart of violence and war alert section, which is why; it looks darker than many others. If you look, towards the command center, you can see the Archangels Michael and Gabriel
working together. They have called their warriors together here all the Sacred
Warriors and Angels, spirit warriors and advisers join the battle of the war in
spoken of in Revelations the Sacred Father’s warriors and guardians to do battle against the warriors of Satan’s darkness forces. The war which has taken form on the horizon is why the Archangels have joined forces to fight the ones who are unholy zealots. This is a battle for the souls of all humanity and universal life forms.

Several Observers within one of the systems:

Beware Judas’ personalities abound: who in the name of spiritualism, religion or some form of religious organizations: use evil’s games of deception via the powers of misdirection. They feed upon passions to mislead others into the shadows of unholy alliance. Cults of deception use half-truths and games of lies to create domination, through control by authoritarianism so
they can lay lands to waste and feed upon the countless corpses of death. This vast array of radar systems here are the guardians of the people against Satanic
Darkness. Demonic activation of so many fallen ones influenced Archangel Michael and Gabriel to summons all their forces home to fight, the ones who have brought
the great darkness across all areas of this warriors’ radar systems. Many are on assignment in the areas of great turbulence, some will be returning back here
from one assignment, only to return to another assignment: Guardians, advisors, personal protector being the second eyes to protect personages and unit when and where possible.

Notice the Archangels stand together not apart. Please
know, this is a war each must fight within his/her own hearts and spirits, as well. If love, togetherness, harmony, and peace are to return this area to light
and bring peace: it first must start through determination of his/her sacred prayers filled with love, honor, and respect. Each spirit-heart needs to
recognize and allow love to shine bright along with commitment to find and develop ways of working together.

If spiritual harmony and balance fall to return spiritual
light and sacred energies of harmony and love, we will be forced vote to vanquish all violence and life. Unity, balance, and harmony is the only way can humankind defeat the ones who see life in colors of death, before we are forced to. You have already received the proof, and sight as to why we gathered the sacred spiritual elders and warriors, so I don’t need to go into it any further.

Know this, generation upon generation, century upon
century, has allowed and in some cases promoted hatred and so allowing it to grow deep and strong. Much hatred fanned by false stories and wrongs of ancestors many centuries and generations past their bones have turned to dust. If all the Archangels who have gathered their warriors along with the warriors who trained and are training more warriors on the battlefields and we must call upon all the warriors . . . .,

Receiving flash visions of things that could be or might
be with the impression this is humankinds last chance. I see devastation taking place across the lands and much of the lands destroyed and laid to waste. Some people suffering in the rubble and others in all stages of dying or dead. What it means all of humanity will be forced to deal with a wide spread outbreaks. If things are not resolved, violence will be happening on many fronts, which you will in time come to know about and understand, why?

In the areas the warriors of Archangels Michael and
Gabriel/Gabriela, are gathered, we know currently the turbulence is at its strongest, which is not only in Afghanistan, but surrounding areas and certain
other areas (before Iraqi invasion). Remember, the light must return or we humanity will force our final vote for the eradication of humanity or pockets of humankind.

Red Sun:

Final Vote? Who has the final vote: the Council of Angels that oversee these various radar systems or the Highest of High Council of Chiefs/Archangels or the Council of Chiefs and Spiritual Leaders or are you saying all nations spiritual leaders who see no hope to the end of violence.


Light gray would even be nice, do you understand what I am trying to say. Know this right now nothing it set in stone. Right now we are giving humanity warning signs and the rest it up to them.

Red Sun:

Yes, SunHawk, this Red Sun understands the concept of what you are trying to say, right now it is dark gray to black in areas without any light. Now can anyone tell me . . . How fast are these light bodies moving and how fast are we moving?


To give you a point of reference, you might understand, our thought speed is ten times greater than the speed of light, which is the speed we travel. We can travel from one event point to the next faster than a blink. Think it and you are there, which is why we don’t need wings or use wings. Acceptable, yes, next is it easy to understand how we can move and handle more . . . equally guardian support, spirit connectivity/comprehension react even faster than travel.

Sacred Angel:

Can you sense the rumbles of war below have turned into rough atmospheric conditions? What is about to happen, we say the spiritual violence can easily tear a plane into a million pieces, if caught in this turbulence similar to being caught in a black hole.

Red Sun:

It is not good to have ones physical body buried; I just received the sensation of someone walking on my grave. Instantaneous realizations of chilling footprints rush over me, regarding past live events while observing warriors moving faster than a blink. Here planes and physical bodies could not withstand the conditions, which could and would break them a apart into millions of little pieces. What it must have been like when the planes delivered death, everything happening so fast one top of one another.” Great sense of sorrow emanates out and fills my senses with the sense of heaven weeping

Sacred Angel reflected:

The day you reference did create some of the roughest turbulence, spikes, dips, deeper depressions, along with massive void areas of life force energies and a monumental mixture of energy similar to a volcano eruption. We knew it was coming yet, we had no way of stopping it, due to a number of reasons, it is hard to count the many people that refused to listen or take action. It was a hard event for all here to get through and find everyone who needed their help; thousands of Angels trying to margin, into a very small area, yet . . . .

Yet, it was the day when we felt there we were not enough this day, to handle all the support, events, environments, emotions, crossings, and all the other needs of . . . so many demands at once. Truth, not since the bombs fell on Tokyo has the pain and turbulence been so great. All levels were struggling to save lives either through spiritual/physical support and/or guiding all they could to safety. All the same, others were guided across, because it was their time or we just couldn’t get them out of harm’s way fast enough, to allow for quality of life, so they could complete their objectives and directive.

It was a hard event all the way around on all levels. Sadly, the enormity of the conditions pained the Sacred Father to his weeping point. It was a day we all wept, not only for the losses, but because of what we saw ahead for humankind and earth, if they choose not to work together. Darkness and Satan demons were laughing loud and rejoicing at the destruction, deaths, fear, confusion, the loss, tears, and pain their violence delivered.

Red Sun:

Angels, Archangels, Sacred Father and Holy Mother weep . . . amazing sacredness . . . not until you summons me to take this journey did I consider or even think Sacred Ones, Angels, and guardians spirit-heart could weep full out. Not until I experienced how spirit-hearts weep, did I comprehend the realities and/or possibility of the Sacred Ones weeping spirit-hearts, not even could they experience spiritual pain, they neither suffer harm to psychic, nor feel the pain of others eternal spirit of energy and light. Yet, I should because of the many time when very young I do experience these same things, and
the a guardian, along with Grandmother M would explain the pains and emotions I am experiencing is the same things the Sacred Father is experiences, too, only on a smaller scale.


We walk within the greater circle and carry the knowledge of all nations, within us, in one form or another? If we are eternal spirits, does this not mean all sacred eternal spirit of spiritual energy flow in circles? Does this mean there comes a time when we are allowed to be connected to universal consciousness? One’s physical vessel is not immortal, but rather corporeal, and then for only a certain amount of cycles, each journey to the mortal realm.

Red Sun:

All of these systems appear alive with activates, people in need, children hurt, raped, beat-up and killed and much more happening every second. Still what people fail to recognize is what they are creating across these systems: pain continues to grow, caused by growing violence, why, Sacred Angel? Why are you showing me so much pain, violence and darkness?

Before my question could be answered, a spiritual silence surrounds us, while the Sacred Angel listens, expecting instructions from normal sources, however, instructions arrived from the Highest of Most High the Sacred Father Eternal, Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel (who is in truth Gabriela).

Sacred Angel:

Know this . . . it’s we the Archangels and guardian Angels who have the final vote as to the salvation and/or eradication of humankind. If humankind chooses to grow rose bushes among the palm trees then we will give the
time, which we realize might take several decades. Only if! . . . All nations
most honestly elect to work together, to root out the weeds of hate, hostility
and terrorism, among all cultures and within all communities. If this be the
case an extension will be given, only if all nations and nationalities work
together. Together all will stand and divided all will fall, period.

The weeds of indifference have too long been allowed and given the power to grow. Generation upon generation, century compounded by century of hatred and misconceptions allowed the weeds of destruction to grow deep and strong. Many ideas fanned by false stories of wrongs to ancestors, so far in the past their bones have turned to dust, but blood lust continues to fan hatred. This is humankind’s last opportunity to save humanity from eradication.


The flashes of visions you have received and others that might speak their warnings, we pray will not come to pass: if humanity refuses to accept personal responsibility for allowing the hatred to grow or fail as individuals and nations by not working together to develop ever-lasting harmony. Yes, some of your visions have come to past

[No matter where we were in the system, all transmitted and communicated with the same unique universal language. Pictorial, emotions, compassion, lights and colors, and spirit-heart energy, proved the basic form of transmission: In conclusion spirit-energy-language-transmissions and the
foundation of physics life energy and fill with universal miracles and the
foundation for our spiritual development.]

[Did I miss something when the Sacred Angle said most don’t remember? Maybe I did and failed to remember, but those sections of Spikes were of all colors and varying degrees of energy, yet others were mildly to extremely painful and powerful, depending on the degree of violence. The war that came about is a battle between light and dark.]

What’s the Connection?

Section: Christmas Star @all copyrights reserved

RedSun/SunHawk Life Adventures

Written by: Michelle RedSun EagleHawk

Date: April of 2002, Revised 2006, Second Revision 2010

With all the various events and related visions, or decades of knowledge and warnings, I am beginning to see a few of the reasons I returned, combined with sacred truths, area of wisdom, and things I was aware of, but not certain I should speak of before taking this journey. The combined journey of Red Sun in the physical realm and here too are important, to and for the Sacred Ones, time to what?

This became a journey of not only spiritual journeys,
guidance to understand sacred coded messages, for there was so much told in the day of the messengers birth so many people overlooked and neglected. Then it is important to understand the messengers to understand why many fear the Sacred Truth and Wisdom of the Indigenous Natives, but many decades of spiritual
awakenings, will that is something you will have to determine after you have relived my adventures, teachings and journeys and awareness.

We have many more gifts, connections, conversations, and studying to understand Indigenous Natives and our connection with the universe. That is why I have such a range of information, and anything that effects our nation, now called USA, the lives of all with connection to the lives of the people in our country, too.

Coded Spiritual Messages Lost.pdf This article in its entirety remember all (c) reseved by Michelle Red Sun EagleHawk

7 thoughts on “Time to Review the Journey”

  1. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about information and love learning more on this. If possible,it is very helpful for me.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about information and love learning more on this. If possible,it is very helpful for me.

    1. I am still writing more and some of the earlier articles I wrote in a hurry I will be rewriting and expanding, since now I know I will have at least three or maybe four books to write and hopefully get published since there is so much information that needs to be said and life needs to see what I experienced on my journeys and then I will be able to bring much of the information together and bring enlightenment to all the sacred answers and help people understand the many circles that help add to the Sacred Circle of Life and Light Eternal.

      We are very sacred children and when we bring our oneness together we can make many wonderful things happen and the changes will become amazing.

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