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Spiritual Visitation Presentation:

Spiritual Visitation and Presentation:

Life-Changer and More

Visitation Questions when life spiritual connections deliver surprises in many parts with each section seeking to hear your answers and replies. Some of you I queried about this presentation, and the well, after the first replies I gave the rest of the unique and unexpected presentation amazing and visitation. After your first replies, and you go through it again I would love to hear your second opinions now after having time to think about the complexity of the event. Before I go any farther, this has become a good training tool and teaching at the same time, we all become lack from time to time; however, what is before us we need to sharpen our spiritual tools and abilities. I need to explain, I am one that finds it hard to express things in complete Life teachings for me has proven strong teachers of life lessons and quests.

Most of my basic teachings I learned first from my grandmother, who taught me how to communicate with and accept the Sacred Ones, since they became my primary teachers, and how each lesson, journey, and adventure they presented in stages; which inspired many questions and answers. The challenge was to hear and perceive the different values, various energies, spiritual involvement, and connection and the influences on conscious and subconscious conditioning; considering energies are tricky and deceptive on various levels of telecommunications, and tricky telepathic impressions, which also include many parables.  Now maybe you can understand why I take this journey and questions in much the same manner, with those who are spiritual peers. Thus begins the adventures of questions related to another unique event I received instruction to share with each of you:

Question 1: What would you do if you received a  sacred Medicine Shield, along with a quiver filled with arrows and a beautiful  bow, with white eagle feathers? Then two individual spiritual warriors, walk-in  carrying a sacred lance and the other a spear, following the ones sacred  messengers carrying the medicine shield, quiver with arrows and bow. The lance  and spear carried individually by the sacred spiritual warriors, stood against  the wall, one behind the he who carried the medicine shield, and one behind the one who carried the quivers with bow and arrows.

 When I asked this question, everyone said he/she would bless it, and/or leave it outside for purification and receive blessings; and then hang it on the wall. What I received I could neither be hung on a wall nor left outside. Unless I wanted to leave me outside or hang me on the wall, then maybe . . . but. Most forgot to ask what it really meant, where it actually came from, and what reason did I receive from those that delivered said items, to Red Sun. Okay the Elders taught me the importance of combining spiritual physics investigator with seeking answer on all levels. It is critical to analysis, and seek answers combined with possiblities and explanation, since such an items are both spiritual, universal, and physical in most cases. Okay, so maybe my teachings, came from master task masters, never take anything for face value, most things have many deeper meanings when dealing with the spiritual realm. Yes, one needs to research and not take things at face value, not even from me. Yes, the arrival of the medicine bundles and items could not have surprised me and cased me to ask countless questions.

However, what it did surprise me “NO ONE” asked or attempted to analysis its meaning or the meaning and purpose of the gift involved with these items.

Question 2: Why no one asked the direct question of where and why or how these  sacred gifts came from and/or who decided to gift you, Red Sun, with these medicine items.

Question 3: None asked for information about what was on the shield except for one,
why what was the block. However, only one asked what medicine symbols came with
and on the shield or questioned where this shield came from, without me  providing leading statements.

Question 4: To begin with, no one asked the simple questions of  how, who, where and when did it arrive nor what was on the shield? Interesting  how they all assumed the shield and all that came with it were material items,  first with spiritual meaning and purpose second. People that know anything  about Red Sun should know nothing happens in normal ways. Wow factors to  unexpected … if and/or … what happened … how … why scenarios in unusual ways  are how things seem to happen in my life.

Clue to analyzing and asking questions: Conditions in my life, has always come spiritual first and then maybe material or physical,  which continuously come in combination with new, unique and advanced spiritual  training and journeys. Each item and or gift fit into a series of conditions in  relationship to past, present, and future events. I was hoping for someone to  asked rhe question who brought it and where did it come from, but instead I had to prime the pump, so to speak.

Even when my mother went into labor, rain came down  heavy, and with each of her contractions lighting and thunder. Then it rained  so hard, the floodwaters, prevented the mid-wife from getting to my mother, and  drove several families, wildlife, livestock, and mother to the upper barn, where I was born, and only then the lightning and thunder stopped and with the  coming of dawn, a triple rainbow shined across the sky.

Important Lesson to learn … when we have others come and ask questions about items received or visions they have received we have to realize  they will never give us all the details up front. This means we need to ask a number  of questions touching on many levels before we can give serious answers and  connect on the correct level, and then look at these things in a more objective and spiritual manner connected with traditional and spiritual knowledge. Besides, we have to make sure we know what level a person in on so we can communicate  with them on levels and in ways, they will understand.

Now I have given you a little look at any my way of  testing and challenging, which this event was more than just a presentation of an event, but away of beginning a new way of working together. We are all spiritual leaders and teachers and have many skills we need to hone, and develop further.

Yes, just  because it was a friend speaking, everyone perceived it a great gift; nevertheless, all but one forgot to look deeper and question the visitation, or looking  deeper into all the details about sacred medicine power and the presentation? . . . A gift, which equated into both appointment and assignment, and no matter  what, it is important for us, for when spiritual leaders come together, they also bring their spiritual power and medicines together. In truth, we are all sharing that which makes us spiritual and that which contributes to the sacred circle. In truth spiritual elders need to look deeper into the spiritual meaning and purpose regarding such spiritual presentation/gifts, visits and visitations. We need to be investigators, profilers, and communicators with the sacred ones. In much, the same way we need to analysis, and mediate on matters connected to visions, dreams, and these events, which direct and influence life and conditions.

Okay, I know I do not offer a lot of information, but I did it to see who was ready to ask questions and take time to reach out, touch, and experience spiritual experiences regarding events and conditions. Did anyone have any suspicion it could have been more on the spiritual level than on the physical level, before I stated certain facts?

Fact One: When delivered, the Sacred Ones stated; the reason they delivered this
sacred medicine shield and other items that belong with the sacred medicine . .
. another person (a male) placed his hand on these items and proclaimed his self
the owner of the sacred medicine bundle and all the power that went with the
individual items. These Spiritual Elders/messengers stated medicine power is not
something one can take nor claim nor passed on, it has never been or will be something to trade or exchange.

The sacred gifts  and powers are given and passed on only after approval from the Sacred Ones, the Great Spirit, Council of Chiefs and Elders, the Sacred Mothers and Grandmothers  of the People’s. Nevertheless, the final decision and confirmation the Sacred Father, Great Spirit, and the Highest of High Council of Sacred Chiefs, confirm and approve before we can transport these sacred spiritual medicine powers and to their new guardian.

Beyond dreams or  imagination, I never imagined this displaced child, Red Sun, a child without knowledge of my biological mother, would be the recipient of any such bundle along with  sacred gifts from the ancient wisdom-keepers. The ancients who have taught our  people the ancient secrets and sacred traditional knowledge.  True I am a child of the First Nation of  Indigenous Natives, but in the eyes of the people I am without acknowledge paper connection to any cultural, nation, tribe, or any sacred traditional clan. This then pursues the answer to the question why have I received these spiritual items.

Truth, they never stated the name of or gave  me a vision of the one whose ego got too much in his way; which caused then to  deem him not worthy …. Okay, some statements I stating come from what the  sacred elders spoke. [The male was greedy  and selfish he possessed no real concern for the people, and because of his  ways he will sell others out and mislead not only the people of his nation, but he will mislead the people who have not the eyes to see or the ears to hear of the heart to feel …. Thus his persona became the reason the Sacred Ones, decided Red Sun, would be the one to receive the sacred wisdom and power these sacred medicine items possessed and symbolized.]

Timeline of unique connections  for what became a rapidly developing journey: Filled with a unique series of events, yes, a few I have already touched on. One: this arrived a few  years after I crossed over and stood in the Sacred Fire of the Highest of the Most High the  Sacred Father, and before the Great Spirit. Two: More than a dozen times, I received summonses to attend meetings in the Great Council Chamber with the most Honored of Sacred Chiefs and Elders. This chamber is where the most sacred of honored chiefs, spiritual warriors, medicine elders, and honored leaders of the people from all indigenous/aboriginal tribes and nations, gather to work on matters confronting all who are here. To me it was interesting to speak with the ones who had proven their lives in the service of their people. What a surprise to discover among the Sacred Ones, many hhonored Sacred Mothers of the Peoples among the decision makers and their voices were equal and sometimes more respected. Then, nothing should have surprised me after my sacred union ceremony to SunHawk by the Sacred Father, but this was no less humbling.

Fact Two: This and other connecting events  came after the Sacred Union Ceremony, which happened a decade prior to entering the private sacred chamber of the Sacred Father and the Sacred Garments of one chosen Sacred Mother of the People. This is when I understood in more detail my prime directive and primary objectives from the Holiest Sacred Father of Sacred Light and Life Eternal: [Save the Children for without you thousands will be lost, thousands more will perish needlessly and thousands more will be lost for all eternity.] Regardless, I have never known such sacred gifts to come without tests, challenges, and tons of lessons: rocks, paper, scissors, everything has many different sides, the yang/yen lessons, and challenges.

Truth, when it  comes to major lessons and insights, by the Sacred Ones, I have learned it is their way to present countless instructions of what they want with many journeys before one understands their reasons. Part of the journey I learned about included countless events and conditions, along with two dozen lessons to recognize and battle the demonic demons and dark ones. Important to determine the various aims and desires to destroy our people, nations, cultures, nationalities, and subjugate people into two classes the wealthy and their slaves. Then the wealthy I speak of are demonic and ones that serve the Dark Lord.

Prior to this  medicine shield, I received instruction about where to go and find the sacred head of a white buffalo the sacred ones had been preparing for me. The only
skull ever preserved on this island. I followed the visions and gave them instruction where to find the skull I was given permission to have the skull. I brought the skull home placed it in the shower to remove the dirt and the skull instantly displayed the sacred symbols and colors of the four directions, which many witnessed for the first couples week after I returned home from the private chambers . . . .

Fact Three: Certain other events that  occurred prior to the sacred presentation: For a couple of years I had been praying for the Sacred Father to heal SunHawk. Open-heart surgery was still very new, with a lot of uncertainties. One early dawn, one Sacred Great Horn Owl paid me a visit. One I had only seen once prior and not since . . . .  This Sacred Great Horn Owl stood at the foot  of our between SunHawk and Red Sun. She wore a fabulous breastplate of silver and gold feathers, reflecting a full spectrum of colors. Each jewel embedded radiates eternal light, each jewel a full-recorded history of spiritual knowledge and energy. The only time she appears is to announce a period of strong challenges and survival tests.

This is important if SunHawk survives what is ahead for us. This meant I would have to willing accept the Great Spirit’s universal challenge, without fear.  Around dawn, the Sacred Father, summons Red sun to join him on the clouds: Red Sun, we cannot heal him, by the sacred hand of healing and move the clots; it would explode his heart, and kill him. We were the ones who taught the medical profession the techniques of saving lives, and heart surgery. SunHawk’s only chance for survival equals open-heart surgery, if you can accept and handle the challenges ahead. Remember the following: This that I can do you can do and even greater . . . . These words referred to medicine, technology, and spiritual connections with universal physics and quantum physics. I told SunHawk when he woke-up.

SunHawk had an appointment around 1500 hours, and convinced the doctor he was worse off than his medical exam revealed, the doctor scheduled him for an exam to see if he had blocked blood vessels. When he got out of the exam, he had hiccups, and less than a seven days to live. After I managed to stop SunHawk’s hiccups, he has less than seven hours, before death, and surgery scheduled, two-sacred messengers carried me before the Highest of High Councils and the Sacred Chiefs, and Great Spirit, it seems I had been selfish, in my prayers. Yes, it appeared all-of-the-spiritual-realm from guardians, chiefs, angels, and warriors stood in attendance with Geronimo was my counselor. Yes, I have published much of this event online, regarding selfish prayers, and what happened that night save more lives than just SunHawk’s and StillsWater, was the price I would have to pay, if I failed to design an acceptable prayer, which would keep SunHawk without directly including him in said prayer. This trial held in its outcome the lives of many and our futures, but one of the reasons I received what I did.

In the darkest of hours, one very bright light shined. Now came the time to learn the secret of the sacred powers, soon given me, so from this trial I was soon to realize, the sacred ways and lessons of gifts, they had been deciding; which one who was to gain the sacred medicine powers and symbols. They would soon have to decide on who would receive such sacred powers. Not too long, maybe six weeks after SunHawk, survived I received visions about a sacred buffalo skull, for several days, followed by several summonses from the Sacred Ones to join them on the clouds. They took me to Catalina and revealed a buffalo skull they prepared for me, and only me. It was a sacred white buffalo skull they prepared for me since my birth, a skull no one else will they allow to receive it or its sacred power.

Yet, to get the skull, they showed me it would take a series of phone calls, and why it is important not to get discouraged, since it will take a couple of months and more than four-dozen phone calls. Uniquely, unusual they provided names of certain people in the chain of command, and information to tell the various departments, to insure they listened and realized the skull is mine. In truth, no one on the island could find the skull, until I received permission to obtain the skull if he/she could find the skull. Vision strengthened and exact instructions, directions and details, received about taking them to the area where the skull laid hidden and they had to hunt.

Back to saving the lives of SunHawk, StillsWater and countless others, before the skull. Truth, prayers, and blessings one should design for help the many and not for the few or personal oneness of family or friend. The summons to the Highest of High Council of Archangel Chiefs taught me a very good lesson in responsibility, duties, respect of power and consequences. They exposed a few of the negative side effect, selfish prayers can become including dangerous, deadly, and damaging, because one creates a ripple effect and lives numerous lives can and will be lost, beyond what we perceive, if not handled correctly. Prior to the arrival of the shield, the Sacred Ones required their wisdom be understood, because people must realize it is the Sacred Ones desire people learn to see and understand the consequences, and what could and/or would have happened, if I  failed to do what they of me and change my sacred prayers . . . . I would not enjoy the consequences.

Meaning true prayers are not selfish, and more productive when designed and aimed in a direction where one prays for a few, especially by those the Sacred Ones assign to care for the masses. We must analysis and determine ways to pray that can benefit many and/or masses. Whenever we seek help for our loved ones, we must consider our responsibility for the sacred spiritual universal, stability, and life development. Daily there is a great deal, we need to learn, including how to handle prayers that offer help and guidance for countless, raise the vibration of Our Sacred Mother and beyond.

Truth, we need to examine, if I had not structured  my prayer in a sacred way that helped the masses, without directly involving SunHawk. The wrong wording and decision would have left me with SunHawk dead, StillsWater dead, and at least 150 or more lives lost and many more left suffering, but then what would have been the ripple effect of lives lost and what would have happened to the community, too, over the twenty years. Truth, I would have been a brokenhearted widow and lonesome mother.

Of course, the answer did not come until StillsWater, recovered in the ER after they could not find a heartbeat when she toppled over off the bed and landed face first on the floor, waiting SunHawk’s room for him to go into surgery. Very tense thirty-minutes, many recoveries began with this and more textbook surgeries after SunHawk’s textbook surgery for a total of 60 days; this covered anyone that entered the hospital the last 15 days, and for all who enter the area hospitals for the next 45 days. Even those that entered the hospital DOA recovered and lived.

In November, before Thanksgiving I put on an honoring feed, two days after, I got baptized to give thanks for SunHawk and StillsWater being allowed to stay for here for a while longer, although they explained they could only give SunHawk eight years, since he would be assassinated, they even showed me the face of his assassin. All of this came the same night, we returned from San Bernardino, after I got baptized to give thanks for the lives of family. After receiving a massive spiritual indigenous visitation, from his relations, the Sacred Father summonsed me to sit by the Sacred Eternal Flame, with him.

Daughter I thank you for your love and offering me your honor by baptism in my name, in the Church of those from Europe, but you are not white. You are one of my sacred children of the Sacred Red Nation. The children of the Red Nations need you to help them. You are to go back and follow the Sacred Ways of the Red Nations and follow the ways I/we have taught you, to help my sacred children, you are to walk the Red Path. You are more than 90% red for that which is not seen, matters not, for it holds no influence or power over you. The blood quantum, influences not your sacred  spirit, your spirit has always belonged to the Sacred Spirit of the Red Nation. Without you, thousands will be lost and thousands more will perish needlessly.

Beginning August 1972, my sacred grandfather Tall Standing Walking Silver-tip White SpiritBear, come to visit during the time of the Sun dances, along with other spiritual visit at least five times each year. His traditional dress suggested a medicine man or wisdom-keeper. The last time he came early spring after SunHawk’s surgery, which in California equals warm days. This day I had all the windows and glass door, wide open when he summons me to visit him in the astral, except I sensed a difference in his visit, before he even spoke: Sitting across from him, he wanted to let me know, he on his crossing journey and he wanted me to know, how much he loved me. At the top of the sacred path, I saw my grandmother, the way she looked many years young with long black hair that flowed past her hips, dressed in her ceremonial outfit and grandfather in his traditional ceremonial outfit. “RedSun you knowwe are never far, far away, but we will have to communicate in
different ways.”

This time I was upstairs on the third floor of our split-level house, in the very bright
sunlight, half-on and half off the couch, once grandfather, and grandmother departed. I hear a knock at the entrance door on the second floor. I shouted out I am coming since I knew I knocked the door, but before I headed down the stairs, I looked out the window to see who was at the door, but saw no one.  Now, I came out of the trance confused, because I heard what I assumed a someone knocking at the door. However, I had locked the enter door because of being upstairs for a while, more out of habit than anything else. Someone wanted my attention, thus I shouted just a minute I am coming.

That is all they wanted to hear, my acknowledgement, of accepting their summons, which meant they refused to wait for me to get to the front entrance and unlock the door. They opened the entrance door and came marching in, before I was halfway down the stairs, three more steps they towards them, and I received orders to sit, observe, and listen. I sat, watched, and listened in a very humble manner:

You see these sacred medicine items we bring here this today, they are for you and only you. Know this a male placed his hands on this shield and tried to claim its power, we one and all have rejected him. This person will sell the people out for his own personal profit and power. His greed will mislead the people in a direction that will be destructive for thousands. The Sacred Father, the Sacred Mothers of the People, the Highest of Highest Council of Chiefs, and the High Council along the Great Spirit and those who watch over the people from the Sacred Village, have all chosen you. You have proven you do not take your gifts as power and position but you see them for what they are duty and responsibilities to the people. As you have seen for far too long, since the invasions, many of the Sacred People lost their way, and they too began to see title as power and position as something for personal gain and profit.

Even our people have lost their way and they are not doing things for the good of the whole but for the good of a few. One must make the decision for the good of the whole and not for the good and profit of a few. True the decisions for the good of the whole may not in all ways be popular, but make sure the outcome will benefit the many and not the few.

Remember you belong and part of the red nation you are not white, this shield and the medicine items we give you today are more than symbolic they are the sacred medicine power embedded in these items. Across time and journeys you will need to add  your personal totems and sacred wisdom to this medicine shield, however, the sacred wing feathers of the most honored and Sacred Eagles and Hawks will remain and journey with you, too.

I received visions and impression of the pain the one who proclaimed himself the Sacred Medicine Man with all the sacred powers, he assumed were his and the misery he will bring to the people. Great suffering will befall the lands and the people. Remember, what we deliver here today means duty and responsibility to the people. He may have the shield hanging on his wall but it is only a shell of what the sacred reality and truths. Once they completed the ceremony, connection, presentations, and visions, the shield, quiver with arrows, and the bow, moved towards me and we became one in sacred unity and I received the medicine power and responsibilites. Nevertheless, the two-sacred medicine warriors carrying the lance and spear, moved forward and stood beside me and remind by my side to this day.

The stairway is just inside the house by the entrance door, which leads from the upstairs to the door and the second floor. About halfway down the stairs I received orders to sit during the presentation, and there I remained sitting where they instructed me to sit and remain, during the entire presentation and ceremony. Interesting how the veil incorporated the stairs into part of the Sacred Chambers of Chiefs and Elders, and the desk beside the stairs, they place a teaching holograph. They showed me that the medicine of the bundle is a very sacred responsibility, to respect and honor the people, to make sure the decisions I make benefit the whole and not a few.

They showed me, what several things which has harmed the people on the reservations and others across the nations. Far too long tribal elders have been making decision that benefit and profit a few, and their families, which have harmed the many. For the healing benefit of the people the decision must benefit the whole not the few. Granted not everyone will be happy with the decisions, for they have been use to the games. You cannot please everyone all the time, but you can improve the health of the nations and lands if you make decisions that benefit the masses, which they revealed sacred truths and insight; which showed what is and has been and needs to happen. All this took place during the sacred visitation.

Okay, now I  ask does anyone have any questions and/or comments. The one of several important things I can say … This changed my life and enriched it at the same time. What would this mean to you and how do you think you would handle it.???