Tag Archives: First Touch

First Meeting, First Touch, Sacred Connection

First Meeting, First Touch, Sacred Connection

Christmas vacation, of 1960, one extraordinary life adventure starts when SunHawk ask his friends to change roller rinks, from Glendale to San Fernando, since it was now wooden floors, he wanted to tryout, for an evening. Friends had been talking about the only completely remodeled and enlarged roller rink, in Southern California. This was the first time at this roller rink, since they always skated at Glendale’s roller rink. The new floor was great for speed and various specialty programs for skilled skaters. Fantastic for speed and backwards skating, and a good portion of each evening the owner programmed for specialty skating, which make for enjoyable and interesting evenings, from free styles dance programs, along with couple dance programs, and several backward styles. SunHawk in Glendale and Red Sun in San Fernando both enjoyed skating Friday nights and Saturday afternoon and evenings for several years.

Normally, over ninety-six-percent of the time my friends and I arrived for the early bird sessions and stayed until the rink closed. Unfortunately, this time we arrived late and had to pay double. Our third time in three years, we missed the early-bird special, by forty-five minutes. The early bird meant one lower price for both sessions and any other time one has to pay full price for each session. To qualify for the early bird, it was necessary for one to be in line at least ten minutes prior to ticket office opening. Normally we arrived thirty to forty-minutes early, and chat with friends. What really hurt, our friends and an others, were already inside skating, when we climbed out of the car. Late, because of a dysfunctional family’s violent tempers, drunk and demanding to get her way, and it was her time to drive. Her selfish persona left us to find alternate transportation to the rink; a drunken so-called mother became the real reason we were actually over an hour late.

Naturally, I was the last one in line to pay the cashier for the afternoon and evening sessions, when something or someone directed my attention to one interesting, male persona, uniquely dressed buck, already on the floor. A stranger, among hundred-fifty or more skaters on the floor every weekend, each of which we knew by nicknames, if not actual names. We had become a skating community that watched out after each other, and strangers stood out, but this one stood out without question.

Strange, why, would any Indigenous Native Warrior, decide to skate in his/her traditional ceremonial buckskin outfits, which is too traditional for here, considering how fully decorated with beads, hair and quillwork. Looking at his outfit, anyone could tell the danger he was flirting with. I can say what he was doing very dangerous for the skater and anyone skating close around him, with extra-long buckskin trailing on the ground behind him and around him.

Strange, but maybe the owner has a special show planned, can say this is the strangest character. Hey, maybe they have already had the show; time to ask the owner. Both sessions, please, after I slide my money through the hole, in the glass.

“Can you tell me, what you have planned, and what is going to happen tonight with that Indian guy, on the floor skating, in his traditional ceremony buckskin outfit and his braids, below his waist, wrapped in red? Are you planning some sort of a surprise show this evening, with an Indian dancing on roller skates?” The rinks cashier/owner displays, his real sour bad man face, when he wants to appear scary, when he snapped at my statement. “Indian, what Indian guy are you talking about?’ He was not a prejudice person, and most of the time he was a nice teddy bear, however, my words caught him by surprise.

“Out there on the floor, he is a bit over-dressed, for here, in tribal buckskins, unless . . .” Waving my hand towards the one in buckskins. “Right there the one on the floor dressed in brown buckskins, wearing a beaded apron, with his long braids wrapped in red.” The owner looked out on the floor hard and saw nothing so he shrugged his shoulders. I waved again, “Don’t you see him the one out there on the floor; he is not that hard to see?”

No matter how hard the owner and sons looked, they saw no one. Owner/cashier: “If he didn’t come through here how did he get in? I have bouncers, at each entrance and exist. The rink needs cross breezes in here until this place cools down. This was still warm weather in December, now, if someone let him in, they are fired. Unless, you are seeing a vision my wife sees them all the time.”

Their inability to see him and the owner’s abrupt answer caused me to assume, I saw what the Sacred Ones wanted me to see, a person overshadowed in a truth vision; which I realized, once eagle eye, could not ferret out what I observed. Intuition, instinctively gave me the explanation, this is the guardians’ way to a very strange, but effective introduction, and directive of must meet, the only sacred warrior on the floor in buckskins.

One buckskin skater of traditional Native birth and blood, with the appearance of Crazy Horse, on his way to war or a ceremony, if a hundred years earlier. Wearing a full war shirt heavily beaded and fringed, with painted bands on his leggings, and a long beautifully beaded, fringed, loincloth apron, too. The only exception he is wearing roller-skates instead of moccasins, with very long fringe swiping the floor.

Strange how not even my skating friends, cared to know about the dynamics of my life; they neither walked, nor lived by the same spiritual sounds of the sacred drums; nor were any of the girls of the same heritage. They all believed they knew everything they needed to know about Indians from the words of TV Cowboys and narrow-minded TV scripts. Truth, they all believed me strange, except when I spoke what I saw coming or assisting them in life direction and betterment.

Behind the scenes, after hours, behind closed doors, across telephone lines, unknowingly, I had in secret, become the peer counselor to countless students and their friends. No one would admit when he/she took my advice, they said nothing when things worked or not for them; which are among other reasons, is why their words only make me laugh. Even when I seek and answer from them, many times, they unknowingly provide the answers, not by what they say, but the absence of words, along with blank stares, expressed their real story.

Their blank stares, said they thought me crazy, when I asked them, if they saw the Indian in buckskins on the floor. “What is happening now, Red Sun, have you lost your mind? We have always considered you strange, but now we know for sure U…R strange. We would have noticed some idiot dressed like that here in the rink. Come girlfriends lets go skate and leave Red Sun to her imaginary Indian.” Off they skated making hand jesters of she is screwy in the head, pointing back to me, and laughing.

Guardians’ whispers touch my heart and ears:

Red Sun hear me my girl, you saw and a male warrior surrounded by light energy, revealing the wisdom and truth from your Father. No one else on the floor, including those close to him—witness what you experience. Does that tell you something? Remember, you are seeing a message from your Sacred Father. Remember, a few of your other experiences with sacred and/r spiritual energy patterns. Reach out with you heart and allow it to experience his sacred spirit.

Analysis your conscious memory and remember what we have been telling you: The one you are to marry, you will know him, when your eyes see beyond normal sight. Remember you will know him when you see him. When your spirit is awake and you cannot shake the visual of whom you are to meet. Then you will know him.

The Sacred Father told you, your true grandfathers bonded you to one another along before you arrived here. The one you marry is a Sacred Native Spiritual Medicine Warrior, a traditional native of the Red Nation; you cannot marry any other nationality. The one you join Sacred Union, we will summons you stand before me. No other so-called marriage will I accept, except the one I approve.

Question: Is not the one dressed in traditional buckskins dress, our introduction to sacred truths? Why else would guardians and the Great Spirit command your attention to a spiritual medicine warrior, of sacred guardian status? The one who is appearance is so close to that of Crazy Horse, he could be Crazy Horse.

Mental projection to from me to my Guardians:

Consciousness demonstrates an ego out of balance: What does this mean; we are not on the same spiritual level of sacred medicine power? Few have such skills and I am not one is he a sacred medicine man, to be?

Guardians in unison:

Red Sun, YOU are the daughter of . . . . You must make connection with him, only then will you understand.

What secret; I am the daughter of whom? Why did another stop you in midstream? You used the same strong matter of fact tones when you speak of our connection to the Elders, the ones who arranged our sacred union long ago. You tell me to go up to him and talk; he has been waiting for you, too (?). Explain your reasons, and the fathers’ spiritual reasons, for blindsiding both of us. Explain, please, whose reasons behind the whys, of and because of . . . all the pressure? Why are you demonstrating such urgency, of importance towards our meeting?

Surprise, Red Sun, plans change, time demands urgent connection, it is important for two-halves to become whole. Separate you are only half, and not as powerful, combined you two are a whole. One without the other one works, at full abilities or capacity.

Okay, guardians, but that still misses the mark. True, no one can deny his powerful presence. Yet, you know me, and you ask me to cheapen myself and speak with him, first? Wait . . . explain . . . . What do you mean I have been waiting for? I have not been waiting for anyone. Look at me I am just fourteen, extremely shy, and you expect me to start talking with/to him. You are telling my serious plans to become a nun, is changing. Finished lacing my skates and putting my things in a locker, it is time to go out on the floor and rehashed a number of visions, and communications prior to today’s events and analyzed how they might fit in with today’s observations.

Fine, grandfathers, you know my position, if a male chooses not to speak first, I choice not to speak with him, just because of the way boys are when a girl speaks first. There is only one other time I might make an exception, if their life is endanger, or they need help, which gives me the obligation to talk with them, without suggesting, I am flirting with them. Even then, they must make it obvious; they need and want my help. Besides guardians, if we are to meet–then our guardians—need to make something happen, as to how, when and where we meet. This problem, I will leave up to you.

Red Sun, do you understand the term, test the waters . . . This is what you are doing now. The plans of the Sacred Ones and Elders’ are important to many. You challenge us to make it happen, do you promise not to fight us and follow our instruction regarding you two? If we make it happen, will you accept the Sacred Elders will?

Reply became more than a little curt to the guardians and sacred elders: Yes, YES, I will accept the

Sacred Ones will and follow your instructions, if . . . . Conscious awareness clicks in . . . Wait a minute, review time before I say another word. Mind begins to rapid review over-and-over, various events, and conversations, not paying attention to floor conditions, or skating style or that the music had stopped.

Thoughts scream, I did it again, I just fell into their trap; they know how and when to extract my word, and make it my bond. Ouch, I did, I failed to realize their tricky ambiguity of double meanings to their intentions. Since what I assume, they mean, instead of what they are actually saying. What type of multiple implications, twisted in their words have I agreed to accept . . . this time?

During the evening, the warrior and I continued watching each other; interesting how he was always seemed to be close by, neither speaking, nor touching, just observing, and both unsure about . . . how to approach one or the other. Then three-fourths through the second and last session of the evening, the DJ called a backward specialty hour, with only skilled skaters on the floor, everyone else off the floor: which meant half or more of the skaters, would have to get off the floor. Considering many were still unsure of the floor and others not able to stand up (backward skating) aka Rexxing. When I looked around all of my so-called friends, cleared the floor, and went to gossip, and this becomes the night that ends our friendship too. None had said a word to me since they implied I was crazy for seeing a warrior, six hours earlier.

Approximately twenty minutes before the Rexxing session ended, which was also the last session for the evening, a series of events occurred, which in retrospect felt staged, to bring two halves in contact with their other-half, or eternal life partner, in an honorable way. Backward in motion, I looked behind me forward, only to discover SunHawk, weaving in and out, between and around skaters, closing in fast, with only a couple of skaters separating us . . . . Heart pounding in my ears, watching SunHawk’s glowing face looking straight at me, I began to pray: Somehow, some way, if we are going to meet, make something happen, now, or forget trying to bring us together and I will be able to become a nun. What I did not hear or recognize, behind me from that point on, was the sound of bodies slapping the floor and falling over each other, a twenty-eight body pile up, with more to drop.

Our pray projections can receive fast answers: Each answer came filled with many plays on emotions and psychic phenomenon. Continuous thoughts about the other began to overpower our every thought. Guardians’ refusal to let up clouded our reasoning and judgment. Looks we transmitted between each other, continued to grow and became more involved, than either had experienced, prior. Distractions, creates a strong loss of focus towards blinding conscious recognition of environments, beyond one to the other. Distraction overrides and disconnects alertness; which also jammed our radar.

Skater’s radar is important, for it can help one sidestep injuries and major entanglements. Jammed radar and pride, can lead to some real injuries, to ones pride. There is great truth in pride cometh before the fall; and we just knew, without a doubt, we could handle anything. We failed to pay attention to our current environment: which then quickly drops two arrogant skaters on skaters, with a little help. Neither of us had fallen, at any rink in over eighteen months, which had become part of our mystique, to others. In truth, it had become easy to feed into skaters’ mighty egos called arrogance.

First one tapped to lose her arrogance, Red Sun, then SunHawk was tapped to lost his, too; considering more than thirty bodies flopped, plopped and dropped, and within three or four seconds, creating a huge pile up behind and under both of us. The accident goes beyond a quick fall and pop-up, which is embarrassment enough, but this time it required untangling many bodies. Truth, our eternal spirits recognized, that which we were missing, and they become determined to reconnect.

Our Excuse to all our friends afterwards: Spiritual lessons came to teach us a few good lessons about humility; besides the strange and painful things can happen once one drops ones alertness radar. We still needed to get use to the new floor, since this was the first night of the redesigned and renovated rink. The music vibration piped in under this new wood floor has a learning curve. (Not sure many believed us, since we had been skating all night.) We have not learned the different sounds and feelings of people slapping this new floor, beyond the music. What’s more, the accident happened to close to react, (definition: not enough time for sensory perception to react and get us out of the incident). After all, the accident did not happen far enough from us to give us the opportunity to bypass or jump over, without doing serious harm to others and self, as well. In truth, it is better to drop and plop than to require an ambulance or other medical care. (Okay so it sounded good at the time and no one was going to believe the truth.)

Secret trickster deployment: Who would believe this was an orchestrated (drop and plop) with so many on the floor, because the warrior, saw he sworn warrior woman bride, in many visions. (The drop and plop skater, I would soon discover, arrived in the same car with the warrior. Plop and drop, a well-known trick skater, at his skating rink in Glendale. Coupled with the fact he was one of the warrior’s four longtime friends, I was to meet.)

Military tactics included strange maneuvering, while guardians assist with plot intervention, by redeploying behavior of three skaters in close quarter action, which presented two warrior/skaters, with no options. Guardians calculated our collision: for full body contact, accepting each other’s hand, linking eternal spirits, turning two-halves into a whole: which means bonding of our sacred eternal lives and eternal spirits.

Question: Why, what is so important for one sacred warrior and this Red Sun, to come together and join our lives in sacred lives union? “Bum Luck, the floor requires one to preform new calculations and modifications for adjusting to the rinks new environment, thus no one else felt bad about falling a few times, this evening.

Interesting sensation of bodies tangled up, invited the thought of, so this is what a football carrier experiences, when toppled, trapped and trampled, at once, from all directions, below and above, with nowhere to go and unable to move. The warrior’s trap of drop and plop, ended up heels overhead on the one he needed to meet. Interesting, how trapped this Red Sun, actually became until the warrior gets up and blocks other from falling over across either of us. Hand stretched, smile reflects life, and eyes summons connection.

“Oh hello, do you enjoy being down there or would you accept my hand?” Two hands touch, for the very first time, and the universe sings, wonderful powerful sounds, energy amplifies, enlightens, and stimulates recognition of spiritual love, connection, and eternal oneness. Universe awakens and embraces us once our hands touch; our life it turned into a sacred connection before our eyes connect. The connection becomes so strong, the energy floats my body upwards to stand before the warrior, for we realized we were spiritually connected. Once our eyes connect we come unsure of where this transformation decides to transport us, either/or some place inside or beyond the roller rink, maybe some place within the spiritual universe. Aho, what a marvelous lesson, once we returned to our current environment; we began to assume this our greatest spiritual interactions, we might every experience.

Spirits sacred touch, bounces several times passing back and forth through connected hands to our feet, up though our heads, then crossing between our hands and doing the same bounce and each time getting stronger. The energy of spiritual union, races across our hands and throughout our physical and spiritual beings, four times, which to connect eternal spirits to physical souls. While the very same moment, this sacred energy reaches far into the sacred universe defining physical/spiritual interpretation: which bonds our eternal hearts, one to another.

Linking spiritual energies with life eternal: two bodies, two spirits, and two minds, that think as one but separate. Turning two hearts into a whole, which linked us in a higher spiritual manner: Life truths, neither spiritually nor logically appreciated the purpose or reasoning behind the sacred touch for a couple of weeks. We still questioned why the urgency, since we failed to understand, until sometime later, considering their time reflections of life and time our different from ours.

Once the rapid magnetic flow of the energy finished our spiritual connection, we regained our ability to move and talk. “Hi, my name is SunHawk.” “Okay, my name is Red Sun.” We continued to stand in place hand-in-hand until one of SunHawk’s friends suggests, we start skating or get off the floor. SunHawk, “Luck of the drop and plop, gave a special couple, skating the opportunity to finally meet the last ten minutes, before closing, why are you dress in white buckskins. The world seems right, as if we have always been together.”

We failed to recognize our spiritual bond, meant something far greater, than two persons joining hands, their first time. Nonetheless, knowing our guides and guardians we would soon understand all the reasons of why and what really happened between us, as some time in the future, in their time not ours Six months later, we finally, experience the why behind the words of . . . (you two need to meet now, this night, not some future day in time). Six months, and a couple of days later, during our short courtship, the guardians slowly unfold their what-for and whys of sacred importance. Universal connection began prior to our way of speaking, and our eternal life connection began the moment our hands touched, in an amazing way, we were flooded with universal life force energy.

Across the same short six months, give or take a few days, we became hard fast wonderful spiritual strong friends, not lovers. While we both continued to probe for answers to our questions: beginning with spiritual whys for and to: our amazing universal sight beyond sight connections, and the secrets behind the Sacred Ones determinations. In addition to our newly enhanced consciousness; new spirit-to-spirit with each other and our sacred guardian connections, filled with many newly acquired gifts. Unique spiritual medicine warrior connection, which supplies sacred powers to awaken and strengthen past, present and multi-skills connected to our traditional/cultural and spiritual lifestyles. It is hard to say if our touch provided the increase source of energy to enrich our life forces or did we connect with the spiritual ones or did we give to and receive said gifts from each other or a combination of eternal spirit and sacred universal energy.

Our time together was limited, to only a few days each month, since his classification was covert operative. The other obstacle SunHawk a few months shy of twenty-one, and I was always six and a quarter years younger. For this reason, we felt it was wise not to kiss or touch hands except during skating couples. After the first night, we assumed we understood what the Sacred Ones and the Great Spirit decreed. We had to face a few problems, considering our social norms, spiritual standards, government laws, differ from universal laws and standards were definitely two different viewpoints and standards.

The decrees’ of Sacred Ones, objectives and directives combined with traditional cultures are many times in direct opposition to 1960 laws and opinions of both church and state and seems to be growing farther apart. It is hard for anyone involved in dogma church to state and state to church to accept honest, sacred, spiritual decrees. To them only the Pope or Leaders of Churches can speak with and receive visions and instructions from the Sacred Father, Saints, and/or Sacred Ones. Those who have the gift of spiritual awareness and do live their lives in a traditional/spiritual/cultural ways of the Indigenous Red Natives can understand and accept the directives and assignments given them by the Sacred Ones, since there is no real veil that blocks are reception.

Years prior to 1960 until current day: social norms, religious standards, social structure, and laws have taken on the conditions similar to crossing the Great Divide and the Grand Canyon. This same struggle is what we realized we were up against, forcing us to walk several different and dangerous paths between spiritual culture and other social and political standards—not an easy journey to accept and travel.

Sacred Decree for/to Sacred Spiritual Medicine Warriors to walk many paths and no matter how many paths, these two via an accident by design, in a sacred way, become two-eternal spirits united. SunHawk’s military career a must, for reasons, the sacred elders of the tribe, medicine elders of the tribes, received from the Sacred Father, Great Spirit aka Holiest of the Holiest, the Sacred Ones and Archangels aka Highest of the Highest Chiefs had defined our futures we had to meet and get to know each other. Our futures, defined sacred spiritual medicine warrior, and teacher: Once this happened, our guardians never let up, making sure they continued with the bonding. We lived in three worlds for years, through each other’s eyes, keeping our spirits in continual contact. All senses enhanced our sensory experiences on all levels of sight, sound, and thought, daily activities, even down to sensing temperatures (internal and external) of the other not by choice, we even sat in on and experienced each other’s classes and activities.

Our lives aka basic mental and spiritual universes traveled together daily, our interactions combined cultures, energies and awareness of the others life lessons; in addition to our spiritual teachings and sacred wisdom. We learned the sacred rules of living from lessons the other learned and/or experienced, which enhanced our understanding. What we found astounding came by way of our physical/spiritual closeness; neither space nor togetherness, we need not touch, have eye contact, or verbal communication, what really mattered our spiritual oneness, for this had become our time of universal and eternal bonding.

The physics behind the activation of SunHawk and Red Sun’s eternal infusion, connection and blending of sacred eternal spirits, began with verification of spirits by transmitting spiritual energy. Love at first touch unified and established awareness of our true universal connection. This empowered the rest of our guardians to choreograph, maneuver, and orchestrate events to ensure a strong union.

Darn we even slept together, in spirit, long before we slept together in physically. Our union of sacred life forces provided added strength, on all levels, including spiritual eyes to our hearts and minds. In the times of emergency or in times of necessity, we came together, as one heart, one mind, one spirit. We received a sacred talent to combine our spiritual and physical strengths and spiritual abilities; which then energized and quickly activated and connected our active interaction within the spiritual world of our relations and guardians for even more support and guidance.

The first event and the subsequence events that followed, created many questions about the purpose of our spiritual connection, along with what next? What range of assignments and objectives did our guardians receive to assist with training activities? Even more interesting, how they arranged various events so we could meet, and spend time together. They instructed on how they wanted us to handle our activities, they even went so far as to set dates, times, and places for our meetings.

They directed our life on numerous levels to make sure we continually strengthen our universal, cultural, spiritual, and personal bonding with each other and spirit. We felt akin to undertaking a major assignment, or some part of a very important project, for whatever reason or reasons condition lied before us. It did not take us long to realized the first and all the corresponding action involved countless futures.

Guardians ran interference, with two personalities involving a unique balancing act to guard against and prevent trouble. Sometimes, what creates trouble here is not in harmony with what His Our Heavenly Father decrees; however, if we were careless everything including SunHawk could be in jeopardy, beginning with a court-martial for even speaking with Red Sun, a minor, more than once or twice.

Due to countless consequences, we would always meet at the roller rink or SunHawk would come to my home and we would talk to each other, with a wall between us. Beside an open window, faces, and forms, hidden behind silk drapes and evergreens, which became the lines we refused to cross thus we prevented pictures that could put us together. . . . In this manner, we hoped to prevent compromising pictures, because spiritual connection and mortal connection are on different levels, and our eyes or hands never touched beyond the roller rink, leaving others in a position they could only surmise. Especially, behind bushes, between sheer drapes,

Nevertheless, one would think the military our biggest concern, one would think . . . . The biggest challenge of all came from one more dangerous and more deceitful to any and everyone around her, she could/would blackmail or destroy: One extremely demonic, grandiose, narcissist, sociopath, who for a couple of decades continued to practice the darkest of the dark arts, thus one so dangerous no one dared trust. The deceiver sold her eternal life and soul to the Devil; she had since anyone could remember worshipped Satan, and killed her first born to become his bride and goddess. The one, who falsely declared, she was my mother, considering I was not her natural, foster, or adoptive child, not even a mother in name only or behavior. The child Red Sun she receives big money for holding me secretly under her roof.

Her hatred for Red Sun her charge who is a burden, the girl child she catergoizes in the same catergory with girl child she gave birth to, and killed so she could become a Goddess in her Neo-Nazi Devil Cult. Twist in her mind convinced her, any child in her live, robs her of her youth and sexual appeal, then she needed to sleep with men to sustain her sexually appeal and appearance, since she was a psychic vampire, too. The same demonic believes furnished her with the utmost of pleasures, in inflecting pain and injuries. Thus, Elinora’s dark believes gave her permission to do everything possible to destroy Red Sun. Especially, when she perceived she could inflict on the eternal lives of many (material/spiritual) suffering injuries. Destruction of one could actually create cascades of countless effects against generations of individuals and families and undermine the social of many nations.

Hard to understand why Elinora stood-up very tall when she declared, “I am the original, most destructive and dangerous Bad Seed and the spawn of Satan.” Pain and suffering she declared beautiful and thought nothing about holding a knife to someone’s throat to get what she desired. Destruction, via a creative combination of blackmail, corruption, and destabilization, in addition to mutilation of personal and collective believe systems, spiritual concepts, spirituality, philosophy, intellectual intelligence, and psychological. She enjoyed her two main targets Hunter, and Red Sun, which bleed out into the community and helped harm and/or destroy many communities.

Elinora’s harsh reality and greatest love walked in the realm of darkness, what increased her dark powers, came in the form of denigration, humiliation, and ruination of others, (families, lives, souls, and futures,) however, her greatest strength came when she caused death. Darkness feeds on the pain and suffering or others, which she feed on and gained demonic energy. Once someone has turned to the darkness they cannot receive life regenerating spiritual energies, which continually causes a demonic drive create the type of energies can feed on conflicts, pain, sufferings, rapes, killings, and/or the destruction of innocent life force energies and the flowing blood of others.

Elinora continually needed new victims and the pain of suffering on children helped keep her strong, while the more pain and confusion she inflicted on her male victims the more sexually aroused and perverted her passions and pleasures grew. She loved robbing people of their love and innocence; thus her desires and passions, translated into raised levels of demonic behavior and destruction. For years, her greatest pleasure was destruction of people by the use of half-truths, mind games, play on words, and doing everything possible to inflict psychological pain, while she tried to get Red Sun to travel on her level.

If Elinora could destroy Red Sun’s happiness, she could reveal in her satanic persona, twisted figures, which included her aura of demonic dark attraction passions, combined with a tongue of many serpents, and eyes of red, the entire time her dark spirit dances one of many short-lived victory. Now you understand why our guardians had to work overtime to deflect demonic interference. Nevertheless, the Sacred Ones had plans and they were not going to accept or permit her to get in the ways of their plans. This time the Universe’s plans were too important for the forces of darkness to get in their way.

The more Elinora could find ways to destroy Red Sun’s happiness, life or future, the greater her demonic happiness. The more destruction of lives, personal, and conditional the more Elinora could upgrade her satanic status, thus increasing her demonic power and influence. In her twisted way of thinking, she worshiped her God Satan, for he has all the power not the Sacred Ones. She worshipped the demonic powers, she received, and his influences over her behavior made all things in her life possible, if she disrupted, destroyed, and robbed people of their happiness and life. Remember, the psychic vampire, needs to continue to rob people of their live and life force energies, once she caused people heartaches or undermine their happiness she gained power and energy for a while, but she was always on the hurt, to keep her youth and energy.

She loved the dark side so much she killed for the demons, and was always trying to get me to follow her. She figured her greatest power came from her demonic lover and husband, Satan. Her aura of demonic dark attraction passions, combined with a tongue of many serpents, and eyes of red, the entire time her dark spirit dances one of many short-lived victory, proved countless challenges. Now you understand why our guardians had to work overtime to deflect demonic interference. Nevertheless, the Sacred Ones had plans and they were not going to accept or permit her to get in the ways of their plans. This time the Universe’s plans were too important for the forces of darkness to get in their way.